Royal attorneys successfully obtained a lack of probable cause finding at the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination for their client. The Complainant alleged that he was discriminated against on the basis of an arrest record. Royal attorneys argued that Complainant was an independent contractor, and that Complainant’s services were discontinued on the basis that our client was informed by a tenant/leasee that a state agency disqualified Complainant from remaining on the premise due to his status with the Commonwealth. The MCAD agreed with our argument and dismissed the case against our client.
Springfield, MA Office
33 Elliot Street
Springfield, Massachusetts 01105
Phone: (413) 586-2288
Fax: (413) 586-2281
Hartford, CT Office
750 Main Street, Suite 100
Hartford, Connecticut 06103
Phone: (860) 724-4248
Providence, RI Office
100 Dorrance Street, Suite 700
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Phone: (401) 283-8971
Bennington, VT Office
204 South Street
Bennington, VT 05201
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