
Snapshots of a Region

January 6, 2025

The Local Business Community Offers Perspectives on 2025

Amy Royal, CEO, the Royal Law Firm

"A new year can feel like a reset, and many business professionals become reinvigorated and motivated to seek new opportunities upon its outset. Indeed, a new year creates momentum toward building business again. In looking for new growth opportunities for the Royal Law Firm in the new year, I have adopted a continued mindset of thinking outside of the box.

Over the last year, we have seen significant growth through collaboration with our competitors. That approach could seem strange or even antithetical to creating new business opportunities; however, it has generated a new revenue stream while also leveraging top talent. One three-firm relationship we’re part of gives our clients a deep bench from which to draw across practice areas and states. In an era of quality personnel shortages, another collaborative relationship has Royal Law Firm attorneys and paralegals serving as the backroom to a Los Angeles-based, management-side labor and employment firm.

Seeking out additional collaborative relationships in 2025 is a continued strategic goal of mine. It is also one that businesses in other industries can piggyback on."

Amy B. Royal was interviewed by BusinessWest. Click here to read the whole article!

February 19, 2025
The Massachusetts Superior Court found that Massachusetts’ wiretap statue does not bar employers from using allegedly illegally obtained recordings in civil proceedings. In a recent case, an employee claimed she was forced to resign. Plaintiff’s coworker recorded an argument between the Plaintiff and her supervisor without her consent and shared it with supervisors. The employee then sued for discrimination and retaliation, along with two counts for violation of the wiretap statute. Massachusetts is a two-party consent state but, in this case, it was found that the consent of only one party was needed because nothing in the Wiretap Statute bars the use of an allegedly illegally obtained communication in a civil proceeding. The court found that the provisions about the use of illegally obtained communications in evidence are limited to criminal trials. However, depending on the court, results may differ, as this recording was central to proving and/or disproving the Plaintiff’s claim, and as such, the recording was indispensable as a piece of evidence. Issues with unauthorized recordings have been arising all the time in civil proceedings because recording devices are everywhere, whether they be a cell phone, laptop or other recording device. This ruling is good for employers, as if there is an otherwise inadmissible recording that is made that disproves an employee’s claims, it can be admissible as evidence if meets the same scenario above. However, employers must be careful to use these recordings as they may be inadmissible and may not show the same thing that the employer believes in the court’s eyes. This being said, it is prudent to consult an attorney before utilizing a recording for any employment action or in legal action to avoid unwanted consequences. If your business has any questions on this topic or any other matters, please do not hesitate to contact the attorneys at The Royal Law Firm at 413-586-2288.
February 14, 2025
What Are the Compliance Requirements for Private Employers?
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